Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Phantom

Back in the mid 1990's when I first moved to the Los Angeles area my first job was an background actor or an extra. It was an easy job they just told you to sit, walk or wait. I liked it but it only paid minimum wage and was not steady work, since I had to eat and pay rent I couldn't do it for long. My first extra gig was on a movie called The Phantom it was so cool I got to dress up in 1930's clothing and walk around the Universal studios back lot for a week as well as see the back of my head on the big screen for 3 seconds in this movie.

Not that you will be able to see me these are the places I'm in the movie 51:50 53:50 104:50 .

Monday, July 20, 2009

High School Reunion

This past weekend I went to my 20 year High School Reunion. Wow it's so hard to believe its been that long, It was wonderful to talk to everyone. There were people there that I went to elementary school with. My elementary school closed when I was in 5th grade, so it was cool see a talk to them all about that experience.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thease Puppies Need a Home

Thease Puppies Need a Home

If you or anyone you know wants a puppy please go here and apply to adopt one.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ascii self portrait







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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mouton Dew Throwback

Just about every one that knows me, knows I am a big fan of Mouton Dew. Pepsi and Mouton Dew have a new product called Throwback. I know what they mean by throwback but why throwback? It just sounds like a fish that is too small, I know why they didn't call it Classic but why not retro or something like that. Apparently this is a vintage recipe with natural sugar, So does that mean the non throwback drinks have unnatural sugar? Isn't all sugar natural?or am I not supposed to be asking these questions?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Norm Sticker

This is the Norm Sticker.

The story of this sticker, is a story of part of my life. Back in the early 90’s. A friend of mine was going away to study in Germany. Before she left she needed to get an photo taken. something to do with here passport. So a group of us went, with her to Kinko’s. After she got her picture taken she said, “I don’t have any pictures of you guys to take with me.” So we all took turns stinking our face in a copier. The result of mine, is the image you see on the skate board above. When she looked at the photo copy I did she said, “That looks evil. I’m not taking that with me.” I said, “take it or I will mail 100 copies to you.” she didn't take it. So I shrunk the image to make it easer to copy 100. Then put it on label paper just for fun, then I started to mail her the 100 I promised. 5 to 10 at a time. Some of my friends knew I was doing this. They asked me if they can have some. I stated giving them out, and my friend gave them out, then before I new it they where all over the place. They ended up on Skate boards, guitars, and dashboards.

That’s the short version of the story. Now you know the history. If you want the new Norm Sticker widget, you can download it here Norm Stiker Widget.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Over the Last year or so Twitter has been sort of a word we have been hearing more and more of. I first heard about it from my friend Brian Meert. I just cant believe how much it has grown since then, there is even a Twitter for dummies book.Twitter For DummiesMy friend David was just telling me that, he is going to get his plants to twitt him when they need water. Who would have thought the 21st century would be like this giving plants a voice, apparently after you water them they tweet Thank you. What do they Tweet if you don't water them? Do the tweets get angrier and angrier, or do they pled for water? I need to hook up Twitter to the coffee pot at work telling me when there is a fresh coffee.

Follow Me

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Theatre

Two of my friends Michael & Danny are in a hilarious comedy called Bitter Herbs at the Sidewalk Studio. Just in time for the Passover season, the world premiere of The Bitter Herbs, five tasty short comedies by Mark Troy depicting fractured Jewish life in America. The play features an outstanding ensemble boasting both international and local acclaim. Tickets are $20 at the door or get them half price at Gold Star Events. Phone Number of the theatre is 818 558-5702.

Bitter Herbs By mark Tory

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


May the Road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine worm upon your face,
and the rain fall soft upon your fields.
Wishing you the luck of the Irish, today and always!
Publish Post

Friday, March 13, 2009

Aliens are coming to town

Dear Mom,
I was just reading on the internet that A 350-foot tall alien robot has landed in Modesto, CA. I hope You and the rest of the family are all well please let me know.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sugar free peeps

I was in the store the other day and saw sugar fee Peeps, aren't they maid of sugar? What are these maid of can some one tell me?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Its a bummer about buda

I hope this doesn't affect my Karma. The other was a blustery one and I don't know if it was the wind or an animal that knocked the top off of the bird bath smashing poor budas head. :(

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pygmy Pachyderm

I'm pretty good at Photoshop and gimp, I was thinking about all those people that believe anything they see or read on the internet, and I feel sorry for those that want to believe. I was thinking of starting an urban legend of Domestic Pygmy Pachyderm.