If you or anyone you know wants a puppy please go here and apply to adopt one. http://sheprescue.org
If you or anyone you know wants a puppy please go here and apply to adopt one. http://sheprescue.org
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Over the Last year or so Twitter has been sort of a word we have been hearing more and more of. I first heard about it from my friend Brian Meert. I just cant believe how much it has grown since then, there is even a Twitter for dummies book.My friend David was just telling me that, he is going to get his plants to twitt him when they need water. Who would have thought the 21st century would be like this giving plants a voice, apparently after you water them they tweet Thank you. What do they Tweet if you don't water them? Do the tweets get angrier and angrier, or do they pled for water? I need to hook up Twitter to the coffee pot at work telling me when there is a fresh coffee.
Two of my friends Michael & Danny are in a hilarious comedy called Bitter Herbs at the Sidewalk Studio. Just in time for the Passover season, the world premiere of The Bitter Herbs, five tasty short comedies by Mark Troy depicting fractured Jewish life in America. The play features an outstanding ensemble boasting both international and local acclaim. Tickets are $20 at the door or get them half price at Gold Star Events. Phone Number of the theatre is 818 558-5702.